Monday, 23 July 2012

Day 26 and new Micro Blog!

Yesterday I tried to record my journal instead of writing it out. Unfortunately I don't really like the result (I sound stupid reading out my notes) but it took me a good hour so I'm going to use it anyway. I'm afraid it's eleven minutes of my voice just for one day but I'll go back to normal blogging soon or find another method. I just got a bit bored of typing every day out systematically!

I would also like to announce the launch of the 'Views From My Pillow' Tumblr. If you're an old relative and don't know what a Tumblr is, do not fear, click this link (I promise it won't break your computer and I won't have access to your bank account) and you'll see. I intend to update this almost daily.

I am typing this in a youth hostel 60km west of Venice. A dutch cyclist just walked in and we got chatting. After a while he said "Oh, are you the 19 year old on his way to India,  the one who is on his third derailleur?" I'm famous in the cycle touring world for not knowing how to look after my bike!

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